Welcome to Always An Athlete

Join me in my Mighty Network

Why Always An Athlete?

We bring together retired athletes transitioning to life after sport to participate in our online community, so that we can provide them with guidance, support, and valuable connections to empower them to discover their passions, redefine their goals, and ultimately find fulfillment and happiness beyond the playing field.

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and memberships are pretty special. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Always An Athlete:

  • Engage with fellow retired athletes, building a supportive network that understands your unique experiences.
  • Receive personalized guidance and resources to help you rediscover your passions and set new goals.
  • Successfully transition into life after sports, finding fulfillment and happiness through shared wisdom and experiences.

When You Join Today

When you join Always An Athlete today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Transition Coaching Program: Enroll in this online course specially designed for retired athletes. it includes pre-recorded video sessions, interactive workshops to discover passion outside the sporting world, redefine personal goals and explore various career opportunities. The program is a fantastic opportunity for personal growth and future planning for life off the field.
  • Sport-to-Business Networking Events: Participate in our live online networking events where you can meet prominent business leaders who also transitioned from sport. Sharing experiences and building connections can provide unique perspectives and potential collaborations for your next career move.
  • Well-Being Chats: Join our regular group chats facilitated by mental health professionals. These chats provide a supportive space for sharing experiences, discussing mental health challenges often faced by retired athletes, and learning coping strategies. They are a valuable resource for managing the mental and emotional side of transition.